To attract cardinal birds to your yard or garden, there are several things you can do:
Provide a bird feeder: Cardinals love to feed on sunflower seeds, safflower seeds, and other types of seeds. Provide a bird feeder with these types of seeds to attract cardinals.
Offer fresh water: Provide a shallow bird bath or fountain to give cardinals a place to drink and bathe.
Plant native plants: Planting native trees, shrubs, and flowers that produce berries, fruits, and seeds can attract cardinals and provide them with a natural food source.
Provide cover: Cardinals like to have cover to feel safe from predators. Planting trees and shrubs with dense foliage can provide them with the cover they need.
Use red accents: Cardinals are attracted to the color red. Adding a red bird feeder, a red birdhouse, or other red accents to your yard can help attract cardinals.
Avoid using pesticides: Pesticides can kill insects that birds, including cardinals, rely on for food. Try to avoid using pesticides in your yard to help attract birds.
By providing food, water, cover, and other attractions, you can create an inviting habitat for cardinals and enjoy their beautiful colors and sweet songs.
Cardinal birds are known to enjoy a variety of seeds, fruits, and insects. Here are some foods that can attract cardinal birds:
Sunflower seeds: Cardinals love sunflower seeds, both the striped and black oil varieties.
Safflower seeds: Cardinals also enjoy safflower seeds, which are less preferred by other birds such as squirrels and grackles.
Nyjer seeds: Although not a typical food for cardinals, they may be attracted to nyjer seeds if other sources of food are scarce.
Fruits: Cardinals are known to eat fruits such as apples, berries, and grapes.
Insects: Insects such as mealworms and crickets are also a good source of food for cardinals, especially during the breeding season.
When providing food for cardinals, it’s important to use a feeder that can accommodate their size and be placed in an area where they feel safe from predators.

Cardinal birds are attracted to plants that produce berries, seeds, and fruits. Here are some plants that can attract cardinal birds:
Dogwood trees: Dogwood trees produce berries that are attractive to many birds, including cardinals.
Blackberry bushes: Blackberry bushes produce sweet fruits that are a favorite of many bird species, including cardinals.
Sunflowers: Sunflowers produce seeds that are a favorite of many bird species, including cardinals.
Holly bushes: Holly bushes produce bright red berries that are attractive to many bird species, including cardinals.
Serviceberry trees: Serviceberry trees produce berries that are a favorite of many bird species, including cardinals.
Wild grape vines: Wild grape vines produce grapes that are attractive to many bird species, including cardinals.
When planting these types of plants, it’s important to make sure they are in an area that provides enough sunlight, water, and nutrients for their growth. It’s also important to keep in mind that some plants, such as holly bushes, can be toxic to pets if ingested.
- Puffin
- The Pine Grosbeak
- The Scarlet Ibis
- The Scarlet Macaw
- Lovebirds
- The Female Cardinal
- The Great Egret
- The Great Blue Heron
- The American Robin
- The Northern Cardinal
- The Dark-Eyed Junco
- The Blue Jay
- The Gray Catbird
- The Tufted Titmouse
- The Red-winged Blackbird
- The Black-capped Chickadee
- The Evening Grosbeak
- The Common Starling
- The Kiwi Bird
- Wild Birds Unlimited