
Dark-eyed Junco

The Dark-Eyed Junco Bird, Fun Facts, Habitat, Fly, Migration, Sound, Feeder The Dark-eyed Junco (Junco hyemalis) is a small, grayish-brown bird that is a common sight in North America. It is also known as the “snowbird” because it is often seen flitting about in the snow during the winter months. To begin with, the Junco …

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Northern Cardinal

Northern Cardinal, Range, Facts, Habitat, Image, Winter, Characteristics, Sound The Northern Cardinal (Cardinalis cardinalis) is a familiar sight in many parts of North America. The male is a striking bird with bright red plumage and a crest on its head. The female is a duller brown colour, but still has the crest and a red …

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American Robin Bird

AMERICAN ROBIN BIRD, HABITAT, SCIENTIFIC NAME, BEHAVIOR, EGGS, MIGRATION, SOUND AND DIET WHERE IS LOCATED THE ROBIN BIRD? The robin, also known as the American robin, is a well-known and beloved bird species that are native to North America. SCIENTIFIC NAME Its scientific name is Turdus migratorius, and it belongs to the thrush family. COLORS …

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Quelles sont les causes de la diminution de 60% des hirondelles depuis les années 1970 ?

Les hirondelles font partie de la famille des hirundinidés et elles se nourrissent d’insectes en vol. Cependant, l’hirondelle bicolore consomme aussi de petits fruits. Au Québec, nous retrouvons 6 variétés d’hirondelles : hirondelle noire, hirondelle à front blanc, hirondelle rustique, hirondelle bicolore, hirondelle à ailes hérissées et l’hirondelle de rivage. Les 4 facteurs principaux qui ont …

Quelles sont les causes de la diminution de 60% des hirondelles depuis les années 1970 ? Read More »